Jakarta - June 6th, 2022 - Due to high demand and lots of excitement from #TheScriptFamily in Indonesia. The Script is officially confirmed to add a second show to greet and entertain #TheScriptFamily in Indonesia with their Greatest Hits songs such as 'The Man Who Can't Be Moved', 'Breakeven', 'For the First Time', and 'Superheroes', on Saturday, October 1st, 2022, at Istora Senayan, Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Tickets will be starting on sale on Saturday, 11th June 2022 at 10 A.M. WIB exclusively at and O'Donoghue, Mark Sheehan and Glen Power will start their tour this year on May 31st, 2022 at International Centre, Bournemouth, UK, and going to be once again entertaining #TheScriptFamily in Indonesia on September 30th, 2022, at Istora Senayan, Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta.The band says, “Indonesia!! We have added a second date. Tickets go on sale next Saturday June 11th.""We are very happy and honored to have 2 shows in Jakarta. Thank you The Script family Indonesia for your enthusiasm, love, and support. Tickets for the second show will be starting on sale this Saturday, June 11th, 2022, starting at 10:00 A.M. through the application or the page. Ticket prices are the same with day 1, except there will be no presale tickets," said the promoter.The Script is an Irish rock band formed in 2007 in Dublin. They first released music in 2008. The band consists of lead vocalist and keyboardist Danny O'Donoghue, lead guitarist Mark Sheehan, and drummer Glen Power. The band moved to London after signing to Sony Label Group imprint Phonogenic and released their eponymous debut album in August 2008, preceded by the successful singles "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" and "Breakeven". The album peaked at number one in both Ireland and the UK. Their next three albums, Science & Faith (2010), #3 (2012), and No Sound Without Silence (2014), all topped the album charts in Ireland and the UK, while Science & Faith reached number three in the US. Hit singles from the albums include "For the First Time", "Nothing", "Hall of Fame" and "Superheroes". The band's fifth studio album, Freedom Child, was released on September 1st, 2017, and features the UK Top 20 single "Rain". Their sixth studio album, Sunsets & Full Moons, was released on November 8th, 2019, and features the single "The Last Time".The Script's music has been featured in television programs such as 90210, Ghost Whisperer, The Hills, Waterloo Road, EastEnders, Made in Chelsea, and The Vampire Diaries. Frontman Danny O'Donoghue was also a coach on The Voice UK for seasons 1 and 2, before leaving the show in order to focus more on the band. The band has won three Meteor Ireland Music Awards and two World Music Awards and has received two Brit Award nominations. The Script has sold over 20 million albums worldwide.

Limited tickets available

Terms & Conditions

1. Tickets can only be purchased through, and Color Asia Live Ticketing.
Tickets are only for admission to the The Script Greatest Hits Tour 2022 - Live in Jakarta concert. Please do not buy tickets from parties other than the mentioned ticketing outlets. The promoter is not responsible for any form of ticket fraud that is purchased at another party.
Tiket hanya dijual melalui, dan Color Asia Live Ticketing. Tiket dapat digunakan untuk masuk ke konser The Script Greatest Hits Tour 2022 - Live in Jakarta. Mohon untuk tidak membeli tiket dari pihak lain selain outlet yang sudah disebutkan. Pihak promotor tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk penipuan tiket yang dibeli di pihak lain.
2. Diamond VVIP is numbered seated, Ruby Red VIP and Bronze Tribune are free seated. The seat number for Diamond VVIP will be automatically assigned to you based on the best seat available.
Kelas Diamond VVIP diberi nomor kursi, kelas Ruby Red VIP dan Bronze Tribune tidak ada nomor kursi. Nomor kursi akan diberikan kepada Anda secara otomatis berdasarkan kursi terbaik yang tersedia.
3. It is a must to make your ticket purchase using a valid identity card. Please make your ticket purchase using the valid and correct data (ID Card/KTP/SIM/Passport) Your ticket cannot be altered and/or modified after purchase is made.
Pembelian tiket diwajibkan untuk menggunakan nama sesuai kartu identitas yang valid. Pastikan Anda melakukan pembelian tiket dengan menggunakan data Anda yang valid dan benar (ID Card/KTP/SIM/Passport). Tiket Anda tidak dapat diubah dan/atau dimodifikasi setelah pembelian sudah dilakukan.
4. There is a ticket limit of 8 per transaction.
Setiap transaksi berlaku maksimal 8 tiket.
5. Purchased tickets cannot be canceled and/or transferred to another party for any reason.
Tiket yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dibatalkan dan/atau dipindahtangankan dengan alasan apapun.
6. Ticket price excludes Government Tax and Ticketing Admin Fee 20%.
Harga tiket tidak termasuk Pajak dan Ticketing Admin Fee 20%.
7. Ticket holders must show the original ticket to the event in order to enter the venue. Electronic Ticket (E-Voucher) will be exchanged with a physical ticket (if any) before entering the venue. Ticket holders will be updated accordingly.
Penonton wajib menunjukkan tiket asli acara untuk memasuki area acara. Tiket Elektronik (E-Voucher) akan ditukarkan dengan tiket fisik (jika ada) sebelum acara. Pemegang tiket akan diinformasikan lebih lanjut.
8. We will conduct an identity check prior to entering the venue. All audiences (including foreigners) are required to bring along your personal valid identity card or passport.
Kami akan melakukan pemeriksaan identitas sebelum Anda memasuki area acara. Anda diwajibkan untuk membawa kartu identitas valid masing-masing.
9. All ticket holders must follow the terms and conditions that have been written on the ticket and also the terms and conditions of entry into the event that has been determined by the promoter (including but not limited to the health protocols).
Seluruh pemegang tiket harus mengikuti syarat dan ketentuan yang telah tertulis pada tiket dan/atau ketentuan acara (termasuk protokol kesehatan) yang berlaku.
10. Tickets cannot be used for commercial purposes, including but not limited to prizes, competition, contests or sweepstakes. Tickets sold or used in breach of this condition may be cancelled without a refund, with the bearer of the ticket being refused admission, no exceptions.
Tiket tidak bisa digunakan untuk keperluan komersial, termasuk untuk (dan tidak terbatas kepada) hadiah, kompetisi, kontes, atau undian. Tiket yang dijual atau digunakan apabila tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang tertera dapat dibatalkan tanpa pengembalian dana dan pemegang tiket akan ditolak masuk ke dalam area konser, tanpa terkecuali.
11. All ticket sales are final. There are no refunds and no exchanges. Refunds will be given to the ticket holders if the event’s status is declared as cancelled. If the event is cancelled, refunds will be given by the promoter and the respective ticketing outlet with procedures that will be announced accordingly. If the event is rescheduled and/or postponed, refund policy will be informed accordingly. Refund does not include ticketing admin fee and credit card convenience fee.
Semua penjualan tiket adalah final. Tidak ada pengembalian ataupun penukaran tiket. Pengembalian dana akan diberikan kepada pemegang tiket jika status acara dinyatakan batal. Jika acara ditetapkan batal, pengembalian dana akan dilakukan oleh pihak promotor dan outlet pembelian tiket dengan ketentuan yang akan diinformasikan lebih lanjut. Jika status acara dijadwalkan ulang dan/atau diundur, kebijakan pengembalian dana akan diinformasikan lebih lanjut. Pengembalian dana tidak termasuk biaya administrasi tiket dan convenient fee yang dibebankan kepada pembeli dengan kartu kredit.
12. Children over the age of 3 must purchase tickets to enter the concert and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Anak-anak diatas 3 tahun harus memiliki tiket untuk dapat memasuki area konser dan wajib didampingi oleh orang tua atau wali.
13. The promoter has the right to deny entry to the event and / or pull an audience out from the venue without a refund if any of the mentioned rules and regulations is/are violated.
Promotor berhak untuk tidak mengizinkan Anda memasuki area acara dan/atau mengeluarkan Anda dari area acara tanpa adanya pengembalian dana jika adanya pelanggaran pada aturan dan ketentuan yang disebutkan.
14. The audience attending the event is responsible for their personal risk. The promoter/sponsors/artists/organizers/management is not responsible for any medical condition of the audience which relates to a congenital disease.
Penonton yang menghadiri acara bertanggung jawab atas risiko pribadi masing-masing. Promotor/sponsor/artis/managemen tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kondisi medis penonton yang merupakan bentuk penyakit bawaan.
15. Organizers have the right to change, add or modify all provisions mentioned in the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
Penyelenggara memiliki hak untuk mengubah ataupun menambahkan syarat-syarat di syarat & ketentuan tanpa pemberitahuan lebih dahulu.
16. By purchasing tickets to The Script Greatest Hits Tour 2022, you have agreed to the applicable Terms and Conditions.
Dengan membeli tiket untuk The Script Greatest Hits Tour 2022, Anda telah menyetujui semua Syarat dan Ketentuan yang berlaku.
EVENT INFORMATION1. The event will be held in accordance with the rules, regulations and protocol that applies in regards to the COVID-19 condition as stipulated by the government of Republic of Indonesia.
Acara akan diselenggarakan sesuai dengan peraturan, ketentuan dan protokol yang berlaku terhadap kondisi COVID-19 sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia.
2. Please note that mandate and protocols, including COVID-19 vaccination requirements may vary and are subject to change. The promoter will stipulate any additional terms and/or conditions related to the health protocols in accordance with the prevailing law and/or regulations.
Harap dicatat bahwa peraturan dan protokol, termasuk persyaratan vaksinasi COVID-19 dapat bervariasi dan berubah. Promotor akan memberlakukan ketentuan tambahan di kemudian hari terkait protokol kesehatan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diberlakukan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
3. The Promoter has the right to inspect bags, clothing, and / or other luggage at the entrance to the event and / or inside the venue.
Promotor berhak untuk melakukan pemeriksaan pada tas, pakaian, dan/atau barang bawaan lainnya di pintu masuk acara dan/atau di dalam tempat acara.
4. The audiences are obliged to follow the rules and directions given by the event staff and officials.
Penonton wajib untuk mengikuti peraturan dan arahan yang diberikan oleh staff dan petugas acara.
5. The promoter is not responsible for any items and / or property that are lost and / or damaged during the event.
Promotor tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala barang dan/atau properti yang hilang dan/atau rusak selama acara.
6. The following items are not permitted in the event and may be ejected with or without the owner from the venue:
Barang-barang berikut tidak diizinkan dalam acara dan akan dikeluarkan dengan atau tanpa pemilik dari tempat tersebut:
• Non-authorized professional recording equipment (professional cameras, video recording devices, and audio recording devices, including 'GoPro' style devices and tablets), for unauthorized people/journalist without accredited badge;
Alat perekam profesional (kamera profesional, alat perekam video dan alat perekam suara, termasuk perangkat sejenis GoPro dan tablet) yang tidak resmi/wartawan yang tidak sah tanpa ID khusus dari penyelenggara;
• Liquids, alcohol, cigarettes and banned substances including outside food and drink;
Cairan, alkohol, segala jenis rokok, dan barang-barang terlarang lainnya termasuk makanan dan minuman;
• Pyrotechnic items or explosives including fireworks, candles, lighters. Flammable material including alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, pressurized cologne.
Benda pyroteknik atau eksplosif termasuk kembang api, lilin atau korek api. Bahan mudah terbakar termasuk alkohol, bensin, minyak tanah, cologne.
• Dangerous or potentially hazardous objects, including but not limited to sports items, weapons, knives, guns, laser devices, iron bar, wooden bar, sharp object or material, helmets, metal/plastic knuckles, self-defense spray (tear, pepper-spray), stun guns or any electric shock devices;
Benda berbahaya atau berpotensi berbahaya termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada item olahraga, senjata, pisau, senjata api, perangkat laser, bar besi, bilah kayu, benda atau bahan tajam, helm, keling besi/plastic, semprotan pertahanan diri (gas air mata, semprotan merica), senjata kejut listrik atau perangkat sengatan listrik lainnya;
• Any suspicious casual objects which can be used as a weapon or projectile including tools, chemicals, suspicious powder, umbrellas, selfie sticks, and other poles or tripods.
Benda-benda kasual yang mencurigakan yang bisa dijadikan senjata atau proyektil termasuk peralatan, bahan kimia, bubuk mencurigakan, payung, tongkat selfie dan jenis-jenis tiang atau tripod lainnya.
FAQ and Terms & Conditions will be updated according to the current situation and condition without prior notice. Please make sure to follow our social media @colorasialive for updates.
Pertanyaan Umum dan Syarat & Ketentuan acara akan diperbarui berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi tanpa adanya pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Untuk perkembangan informasi terbaru, silakan follow akun media sosial @colorasialive


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